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Chinaflocs polyacrylamide powders include cationic polyacrylamide(flocculant,PAM),anionic polyacrylamide(flocculant,PAM)and nonionic polyacrylamide(flocculant,PAM),used for water treatment;oilfield,mineral processing ,papermaking and other application areas.

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The applications of anionic polyacrylamide|anionic flocculant|anionic polymer
Chinafloc various of anionic polyacrylamide|anionic flocculant|anionic polymer can be used for water treatment ,oilfield ,mining ,papermaking ,construction and so on
Cationic polyacrylamide emulsion used for wastewater treatment
As a polyacrylamide,Cationic polyacrylamid emulsion is a kind of water-soluble polyelectrolyte, which is nontoxic, tasteless, soluble in water easily and insoluble in organic solvents, such as ethanol and acetone. The molecular chain is fl...
Polyacrylamide(CAS:9003-05-8)|polyacrylamide manufacturer|polyacrylamide application
Polyacrylamide(CAS:9003-05-8)|polyacrylamide manufacturer|polyacrylamide application
 N300 of nonionic polyacrylamide can be replaced by Chinafloc N0204
N300 is a kind of nonionic polyacrylamide with very lower hydrolysis degree and medium molecular weight ,mainly used for mineral processing.it can be replaced by Chinafloc N0204 totally.
what applications for anionic polyacrylamide used in oilfield
Anionic polyacrylamide is a White or yellow powder,non-toxic,non-corrosive,easily solubale in water,mainly used as a selective flocculant for non-dispersed,low solid phase water-based drilling fluid.it can help to reduce water losses,improv...
What is the applications of anionic polyacrylamide?
The polyacrylamide can be widely used in oilfied ,water treatment ,mining ,papermaking ,construction and so on.
Different application of anionic polyacrylamide with good performance
Anionic polyacrylamide(APAM)series products are water-soluable linear polymers synthesized under high degree polymerization,easily soluble in water,almost insoluble in benzene,ether,aliphatics,acetone and other common organic solvents .at t...
Zetag 8165,Zetag 8160,Zetag8180 can be replaced by Chinafloc cationic polyacrylamide
Zetag 8165,Zetag 8160,Zetag8180 can be replaced by Chinafloc C6512,c6008 ,C8008
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