cationic polyacrylamide ,cationic polyacrylamide manufacturer and supplier in China,Chinafloc plant
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cationic polyacrylamide

Chinaflocs cationic powders range from low to very high molecular weight, low charge to very high charge.Sludge press,centrifuge whatever your dewatering requirements our premium cationic powders are rugged and economical enough to get the job done.

Products Show

cationic polyacrylamide of FLOPAM FO4140 SEP can be replaced by Chinafloc C1312
FLOPAM FO4140 SEP is a kind of Cationic polyacrylamide with low charge and high molecular weight ,mainly used for municipal and industrail wastetwater treatment ,chinafloc C1312 is the equivalent model which can replace of FLOPAM FO4140 SEP...
cationic polyacrylamide of Flopam FO4650 SSH can be replaced Chinafloc C5008
Flopam FO4650 SSH is kind of cationic polyacrylamide powder with very high charge and molecular weight ,mainly used for water treatment and sludge dewatering , Chinafloc C5008 is the equivalent model which can replace of Flopam FO4650 SSH t...
Cationic polyacrylamide of FLOQUAT FL2949 SEP can be replaced by Chinafloc EM5008
FLOQUAT FL2949 SEP is a kind of cationic polyacrylamide emulsion with very high charge and high viscosity from SNF mainly used for water treatment and sludge dewatering.chinafloc EM5008 is the equivalent model which can replace of EM5008 to...
zetag 8847FSB 8857FSB 8858FSB can be replaced by Chinafloc EM7008 and EM8008
zetag 8847FSB,zetag8857FSB,zetag 8858FSB are three cationic emulsion polyacrylamide with 70% chagre and 80% chagre mainly used for wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering.chinafloc EM7008 and Chinafloc EM8008 can totally replace of them ...
Cationic polyacrylamide emulsion of zetga 8868 FS can be replaced by Chinafloc EM8008
zetga 8868 FS is a kind of cationic polyacrylamide emulsion with 40% solid content and 80% chagre of cationic flocculant it is for for the conditioning of a variety of municipal and industrial substrates prior to mechanical or static solid/...
cationic polyacrylamide emulsion  Preastol K 233 ,Zetag 9048 FS,Zetag 9248 FS replaced by Chinafloc EM C series
Preastol K 233 ,Zetag 9048 FS,Zetag 9248 FS are three cationic emulsion with different chagre ,they can be replaced by Chinafloc EM C series totally but with better performance.
 cationic polyacrylamide of Magnafloc Lt 22S can be replaced by Chinafloc C series
Magnafloc Lt 22S is a kind of PWG grade of cationic polyacrylamide with high molecular weight,mainly used for water potable water treatment ,it can be replaced by Chinafloc PWG C series totally with good performanace.
Flocculant (Cationic Polyelectrolyte)for DAF System of emulsion cationic polyacrylamide
chinafloc EM4008 and Chinafloc EM5008 can meet the applications with good result.
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