cationic polyacrylamide ,cationic polyacrylamide manufacturer and supplier in China,Chinafloc plant
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cationic polyacrylamide

Chinaflocs cationic powders range from low to very high molecular weight, low charge to very high charge.Sludge press,centrifuge whatever your dewatering requirements our premium cationic powders are rugged and economical enough to get the job done.

Products Show

cationic polyacrylamide emulsion of Praestol K122L K128L K132L K133L K136L can be replaced by Chinafloc EM

Praestol K112L K128L K132L K133L K136L are kinds of cationic emuslion with medium r and high cationic charge mainly used for water treatment and sludge dewatering ,chinafloc EM2012 EM3012 EM4008 EM5008 EM6008 can replace of them totally w...
cationic polyacrylamide emulsion Praestol K105L k110FL K120L can be replaced by Chinafloc EM
Praestol K105L k110FL K120L are three kinds of cationic polyacrylamide emuslion with lower and medium cationic charge ,mainly used for municipal and some industrial wastewater treatment,Chinafloc EM0510,.Chinafloc EM1012,Chinafloc EM3012 ca...
Cationic polyacrylamide of Praestol 644BC 853BC 855BS can be replaced by Chinafloc c
Cationic polyacrylamide of Praestol 644BC 853BC 855BS are three cationic polyacrylamide with very high cationicity and high molecular weight mainly used for some special wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering.chinafloc c6008.7008,8080 c...
Cationic polyacrylamide of Praestol 8510BC Praestol 835BS 852 BC  can be replaced by Chinafloc c
Cationic polyacrylamide of Praestol 8510BC Praestol 835BS 852 BC are three kinds of cationic polyacrylamide with medium and high charge and high molecular weight ,can be used for water treatment and sludge dewatering.chinafloc C3 serie can ...
Cationic polyacrylamide of Praestol 610BC Praestol 321 BC 611BC can be replaced by Chinafloc c
Praestol 610BC Praestol 321 BC 611BC are three kinds of cationic polyacrylamide with lower and medium charge and high molecular weight.
can be used for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment .chinafloc C series can replaced of the...
Cationic polyacrylamide of praestol 853 BC can be replaced by Chinafloc C0510
praestol 853 BC is a kind of cationic polyacrylamide with slight chagre and high molecular weight mainly used for water treatment.chinafloc C0510 is the equivalent model which can replace of praestol 853 BC totally with good performance.
cationic polyacrylamide of zetga 4190 4145 4125 can be replaced by Chinafloc A1009
zetga 4190 is a kind of anionic flocculant with 100% charge and zetag 415 is a kind of flocculant with 46% charge and Zetag4125 is a kind of cationic flocculant with 27% charge and medium molecular weight used for water treatment and mining...
Cationic polyacrylamide of FLOPAM EM840HIB can be replaced by Chinafloc Em6008
FLOPAM EM840HIB is a kind of cationic polyacrylamide emulsion with very high charge and very high molecular weight.mainly used for wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering .,cHINAFLOC EM6008 is the equyivalent model which can replace of C...
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