Emulsion Anionic polyacrylamide used for drag reduction agent
Drag reduction of water system is a kind of advanced slippery water system , with good property of good water solubility, easily to prepare, salt antibacterial, non crosslinked sand carrying, the maneuverability, can realize a quick solution, flowback fluid Recyclable reuse, meet the tight gas reservoir reconstruction needs. At the same time, it can reduce construction friction, the overall viscosity of construction liquid is low, less damage to the formation.
Fracturing and acidizing modification is one of the important measures to improving oil and gas production, stimulationin oil and water well.improving the productivity of oil wells and oil recovery
For the low pressure and low permeability oil and gas reservoirs,the blockage to the pore because of residue after gel broken of The fracturing fluid;the damage of the The filter cake of fracturing fluid to conductivitythe support layer and the blockage of Water insoluble residue to the reservoir poreIs an important factor to affect the fracturing effect.
In view of the status of high construction friction of the current fracturing fluid system, the higher viscosity of the liquid , combining the thinking of Mixed water volume fracturing,Developed the esistance reducing water system of reservoir reconstruction for the low pressure and low permeability gas reservoir.The Drag reduction agent has the advantage of less water additives, Recyclable use, reducing construction cost.when the sate of stress and the rock structurecan meet the condition forming the complex fracture geometry,Low viscosity liquid and higher construction capacity is conducive to the formation of complex fracture morphology, increase production of oil and gas
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tag:anionic polyacrylamide,emulsion anionic polyacrylamide,APAM,Drag reduction agent