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Chinaflocs polyacrylamide powders include cationic polyacrylamide(flocculant,PAM),anionic polyacrylamide(flocculant,PAM)and nonionic polyacrylamide(flocculant,PAM),used for water treatment;oilfield,mineral processing ,papermaking and other application areas.

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Cationic polyacrylamide, CPAM for short, product appearance white powder particles, cationic polyacrylamide in acidic or alkaline medium were showing positive charge, it can effectively suspended particles in water with a negatively charged...>
Anionic polyacrylamide, referred to as APAM, the product appearance is white powdery particles. Is organic polymer flocculant, coagulant aid, is a water-soluble polymer, due to its molecular chain contains a certain amount of negative group...>
product introduction: polyacrylamide is a water-soluble polymer. Because its molecular chain contains a certain number of polar groups, it can make particles bridge by adsorption suspended solid particles in water or condense particles to f...>
Amphoteric polyacrylamide due to molecular containing cationic and anionic groups, hydrolytic copolymerization. The advantage is that it has the characteristics of common cationic flocculant. Used for strong acid leaching ore or recovery of...>
Profile control and water plugging agent. Through the oilfield test, the performance of this new zwitterionic profile control and water plugging agent is higher than other single ion profile control and water plugging agent.
1, polyacrylamide molecules have positive genes, strong flocculation ability, less dosage, treatment effect is obvious.
2. With good solubility and high activity, the alum formed by condensation in water body is big, and the sedimentation ...>
2. With good solubility and high activity, the alum formed by condensation in water body is big, and the sedimentation ...>
zetag 9048 FS is a kind of emulsion cationic polyacrylamide with 80% charge and zetag 9248 FS is a kind of emulsion cationic polyacrylamide with 50-60% charge,maily used for wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering.
Anionic PAM is mainly used in minerals selection, metallurgy, coal washing, food, steel, spinning and papermaking industry which involves separation of solid-liquid and waste water treatment. Anionic PAM can also be used for oil well and oi...>
Emulsion polyacrylamide manufacturing process does not require drying process. Therefore, the molecular weight and water solubility of emulsion polyacrylamide is higher than that of similar solid granular powder polyacrylamide.