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Water Treatment Chemicals

■Anionic PAM: It is widely used in waste water treatment of chemical industry, municipal sewage treatment, such as coal washing, mineral processing, metallurgy, iron and steel industry and electronic industry. It is also used in oil industry to enhance oil recovery which is widely used. In addition, it can be used as paper additives and textile pulp agent.
■Cationic PAM: It is very efficient in usage and has high dehydration rate. It is used for the waste water treatment in alcohol factory, monosodium glutamate factory, sugar factory, beverage factory, tanneries, dyeing and other fields. It has a better effect to be used together with inorganic coagulant in particular. It can be used as paper additives as well.

Products Show

Cationic polyacrylamide used for municipal sewage treatment
Chinafloc C 1514 is a specifial size of cationic polyacrylamide used formunicipal sewage treatment
Solid Content :89%
Degree of Ionicity:15%
Molecular Weight:14million.
cationic polyacrylamide used for industrial wastewater  treatment
Chinafloc C 3012 is a specifial size of cationic polyacrylamide used industrial wastewater treatment.
Solid Content :89%
Degree of Ionicity:30%
Molecular Weight:12million.
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