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Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ) Policy

At Shandong Shuiheng chemical Co.,Ltd  we do not want to harm people or the environment.

To achieve this vision, we at Chemifloc Ltd. are committed to the following:

►Safety, health, care for the environment and quality are a pre-requisite to any business we undertake

►We all take a personal responsibility for SHEQ

►Managers at all levels demonstrate visible leadership

►We apply this policy in our day to day behaviour and decisions 

►SHEQ is 100% of our behaviour, 100% of the time

We strive to be leading in SHEQ to meet the following objectives:

►Zero incidents 

►Zero harm to communities in which we do busines

►Safe,secure and healthy working conditions for all our people and all that work with us

►Supplying safe, compliant and environmentally responsible products and services

►Prevention of pollution to the environment

►Responsible use of natural resources

►Research, development and promotion of technologies, products and services that are

    sustainable with regard to SHEQ

►Satisfy customer needs and expectations

We will:

►Comply with all applicable legal, regulatory, internal and industry requirements

►Pro-actively identify, eliminate or minimise potential sources of harm or risk arising from all our activities

►Continuously improve our performance to achieve our objectives

►Share our knowledge and experience in safety, health and care for the environment

►Show our accountability for our performance by regularly measuring, reviewing and reporting

►Require our contractors and partners to manage in line with this policy

►Expect our clients and suppliers to cooperate actively in achieving our objectives

►Provide training, standards, equipment and support to ensure compliance with this policy

►Maintain open communication with our local communities and stakeholders

This policy is a key part of Shuiheng Shemical Co.,Ltd’s overall strategy and is reviewed on a regular basis by

the Chemifloc Ltd. executive management board.

We give our personal commitment to the above policy which shall be fully implemented.

Aihui Niu
Managing Director

Zigang li

Jigang Zhang
SHEQ Manager