polydadmac of FL4820 FL4635 FL4540 can be replaced by Chinafloc--polydadmac, China polydadmac of FL4820 FL4635 FL4540 can be replaced by Chinafloc--polydadmac manufacturer and supplier - CHINAFLOC

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Product Center / polydadmac of FL4820 FL4635 FL4540 can be replaced by Chinafloc--polydadmac

polydadmac of FL4820 FL4635  FL4540 can be replaced by Chinafloc--polydadmac
polydadmac of FL4820 FL4635 FL4540 are three kinds of models with 20%,35% and 40% solid content and 1000-3000 viscosity,10000-20000 viscosity ,8000-12000 viscosity.used for water treatment and mineral processing and other applications.