PAC and PAM dosage used in Sewage treatment - CHINAFLOC
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PAC and PAM dosage used in Sewage treatment
2015-04-07 08:26:56

       Sewage proportion PAC and PAM PAM dosage, the situation is different according to the water quality. Sometimes content is too high, the amount will be more pam. So the most secure method of insurance is to make miniature test. As with sewage treatment chemicals, we generally choose between two pac and pam. pac yellow solids, pam is a white powder-like particles. Both a flocculation, a help precipitation. Thus, the two meet up during use, for the purification of sewage treatment can achieve very good results. However, the ratio of these two dosing takes time experiments and calculations. We typically conduct experiments in a beaker. Pac polyacrylamide price and the price are very different. pam relatively high point, pac will be relatively cheaper.
PAC to PAC, PAM for polyacrylamide flocculant former for the latter as coagulant, usually used in combination, in general, before adding PAC, after adding PAM, may be necessary to add acid or alkali to adjust PH. Mainly used for both coagulation and sedimentation pond that physico-chemical treatment steps, commonly used in industrial wastewater treatment. If the treatment process of materialized after Mr., the PAC dosage of about 0.1% (GB, 10% effective content), PAM about 1-3ppm, tons of water per PAC dosing were about 10 tons, PAM10-30kg. If the process was first materialized biochemistry, then more than doubled the dosage. The actual dosage varies according to the water quality, the need to fine-tune the site.
pAM in water, can be used as flocculants can be used as a coagulant to improve coagulation effect. Because of its price and nature, a weak toxicity in drinking water must control the dose. Generally used in special circumstances (such as the treatment of high turbidity \ high chroma of raw water, etc.). When used in conjunction with PAC and PAM, depending on the water quality should be in accordance with the order of dosing, the dosage should be determined by experiments. In the wastewater treatment process, PAC directly for chemical coagulation wastewater treatment, can reduce the wastewater color, turbidity, SS, and a certain percentage of the COD and BOD, but also to remove part of N and P. precipitated by adsorption Two agents perform their duties, there is no particular effect each other.


PAC is polymerization aluminum chloride can be as flocculant, PAM is polyacrylamide can be coagulant, usually used in combination, first adding PAC, then adding PAM, sometimes it may be necessary to add acid or alkali to adjust PH value. Both of them mainly used for coagulation sedimentation tank, i.e. physicochemical treatment section, commonly used inindustrial wastewater treatment. If the treatment process of biological chemical materialized, the dosage of PAC is about 0.1% (GB, 10% effective content), PAM is about 1-3ppm, in which each million tons of water were fed PAC about 10 tons, PAM10-30kg. If the process is first materialized biochemical, will more than double dosage. The actual dosage according to water quality is different, need according to the field tuning.

PAM can be used as a flocculant inwater treatment, can also be used as a coagulant aid, to improve the effect of coagulation. Due to its price and properties, a weak toxicity, in drinking water must control the dosage. Generally used in special circumstances. When the polymeric aluminium chloride and polyacrylamide with the use, should be different depending on the water quality in accordance with the sequence of addition, the dose should also determined by test. In the process of wastewater treatment, PAC direct used for sewage and chemical coagulation treatment, can reduce the waste water color, turbidity, SS and a certain proportion of COD and BOD, but also by adsorption precipitation to remove part of the N and P.