Emulsion polyacrylamide praestol 122L 128L 132L 133L,136L can be replaced by Chinafloc C, China Emulsion polyacrylamide praestol 122L 128L 132L 133L,136L can be replaced by Chinafloc C manufacturer and supplier - CHINAFLOC

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Product Center / Emulsion polyacrylamide praestol 122L 128L 132L 133L,136L can be replaced by Chinafloc C

Emulsion polyacrylamide praestol 122L 128L 132L 133L,136L can be replaced by Chinafloc C
praestol 122L 128L 132L 133L,136L are four cationic polyacrylamide emulison with high cationic charge and high molecular wieght ,mainly used for water treatment and sludge dewatering.